Buildings and Grounds
Some volunteers do light housekeeping of the church, others have flower/lawn/yard care experience and assist outside. Then we have our painters, plumbers, electricians, and carpenters. Do any of these activities spark your interest? Give us a call.
Contact: Parish Office, (651) 228-1169
Care of Mass Linens
Several ladies wash and iron the sacramental linens used during Mass. They can always use more help. Linens are collected every week.
Contact: Parish Office, (651) 228-1169
Money Counter
Each Monday morning, money counters assist in processing the Sunday collection and other special collections that occur during the church year. Counters are assigned to specific groups, and a rotating schedule is in place. A committment of one Monday a month is all that is required. A background check is required.
Contact: Parish Office, (651) 228-1169